340B Program
Apovia's capabilities...
align with the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) goal of the 340B Drug Pricing Program, which is to enable Covered Entities such as Federally Qualified Healthcare Clinics (FQHCs) the ability to stretch scarce federal resources as far as possible, reaching more patients and providing more comprehensive services.
Case Study of Covered Entity Proven Partnership Involving a Large FQHC:
Pharmacy Performance Improvement from 2017 to 2018​
Monthly average prescription volume increase from 8,250 to over 14,000
48% increase in prescription volume between 2017 and 2018
Monthly revenue increase from $656,515 to $987,177
50% increase in 340B pharmacy claims revenues
680% increase in monthly profit from $29,406 in 2017 to $200,000 in 2018
Increase in prescription volume included significantly more high profit specialty drug prescriptions
Apovia manages in-clinic pharmacy operations that provide both clinical and pharmacy prescription fulfilment services to numerous Federally Qualified Healthcare Clinics (FQHCs). Apovia's pharmacies provide retail and specialty pharmacy services to these FQHCs that serve over 150,000 under-served patients. Apovia's extraordinary FQHC pharmacy experience can be leveraged to support a clinic’s ability to stay compliant with the 340B pharmacy regulations as one way to maintain the benefits afforded by the 340B pharmacy program.
Apovia 340B pharmacy capabilities are unique compared to other pharmacies because our pharmacists have experience working with covered entity patients’ doctors and nurses. Working closely with doctors and nurses has allowed our pharmacists to gain insight into the unique needs of the patients Apovia serves. Apovia also functions as a strategic partner with its Covered Entity customers by collaborating on data analysis to identify new 340B pharmacy services revenue streams and marshaling synergistic partnerships with local area health plans and FQHCs. Apovia has a proven track record of enhancing revenues to help the FQHCs to expand their service capabilities in order to better serve their patients.
Apovia Covered Entity 340B Pharmacy Program Differentiators:
Proven Partnership with large Covered Entities
Pharmacy experience facilitating an in-clinic pharmacist to work with the patient’s doctors and nurses as an integral part of the patient’s care team to optimize medication management
Support 340B regulatory compliance
Provide retail and specialty pharmacy services
Data driven opportunity assessment capabilities​​
Identify leakage of 340B clinic profits
Analyze patient usage by health plan and pharmacy
Identify top therapeutic drug categories to prioritize potential financial opportunities
Tracking reports to evaluate pharmacy performance
Net pharmacy revenues after pharmacy dispensing fees and reimbursement
Drug utilization in conjunction with net cost analysis
Recommend strategies to optimize revenues concurrently with pharmaceutical care improvements
Implement pharmacy pull through programs to optimize 340B profit revenues
Experience in marshalling synergistic collaborations with local health plans
Support risk sharing agreements between Covered Entities and payers
Identify and support synergistic financial collaborations